Edit of asset "Aseprite Wizard" Accepted

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Title Aseprite Wizard
Description Import Aseprite animations to AnimationPlayers, AnimatedSprites2D, AnimatedSprite3D and SpriteFrames.

- Generate sprite sheet and import animations to AnimationPlayer, AnimatedSprite, AnimatedSprite3D or SpriteFrames resource.
- Adds Inspector docks for easy import and re-import.
- Filters out layers you don't want in the final animation, using regex.
- Supports slices. Import only a region from your file./
- Supports Aseprite animation direction (forward, reverse, ping-pong).
- Supports loopable and non-loopable animations.
- Separates each Aseprite Tag into animations. In case no tags are defined, imports everything as default animation.
- AnimatedSprite
- Creates SpriteFrames with Atlas Texture to be used in AnimatedSprites.
- Converts Aseprite frame duration (defined in milliseconds) to Godot's animation FPS. This way you can create your animation with the right timing in Aseprite, and it should work the same way in Godot.
- Choose to export the Aseprite file as a single SpriteFrames resource, or separate each layer in different resources.
- Adds Aseprite file importer to Godot (check limitations section).
- AnimationPlayer
- Adds and removes animation tracks without removing other existing tracks.
- You are free to import multiple files to the same AnimationPlayer or import each layer to their own Sprite and AnimationPlayer.

Aseprite Wizard is only required during development. If you decide to not use it anymore, you can remove the plugin and all animations previously imported should keep working as expected.
Godot Editor plugin for importing animations from Aseprite as SpriteFrames to be used in AnimatedSprite.

- Adds Aseprite file importer to Godot.
- Creates SpriteFrames with Atlas Texture to be used in AnimatedSprites.
- Separate each Aseprite Tag as its own animation. In case no tags are defined, import everything as default animation.
- Converts Aseprite frame duration (defined in milliseconds) to Godot's animation FPS.
- Exports Aseprite file as single SpriteFrames resource, or separate each layer as its own resource.
- Filter out layers you don't want in the final animation.
- Supports Aseprite animation direction (forward, reverse, ping-pong)
- (Importer only) Supports importing Aseprite files as SpriteFrames, Atlas Texture, Animated Texture and Texture strip.
Category 2D Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/viniciusgerevini/godot-aseprite-wizard
Issues Url https://github.com/viniciusgerevini/godot-aseprite-wizard/issues
Godot version Godot 3.5
Version String 6.4.0 1.1.0
Download Commit c7f1189bd4c1d32684d5d73ad89e727ca16455d1 c7715efde3988aa31710ae2239b151f6a4013e08
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/viniciusgerevini/godot-aseprite-wizard/archive/c7f1189bd4c1d32684d5d73ad89e727ca16455d1.zip https://github.com/viniciusgerevini/godot-aseprite-wizard/archive/c7715efde3988aa31710ae2239b151f6a4013e08.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/viniciusgerevini/godot-aseprite-wizard/godot_3/icon.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/viniciusgerevini/godot-aseprite-wizard/master/screenshots/aseprite_godot.png
Preview Insert
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/viniciusgerevini/godot-aseprite-wizard/master/screenshots/import_dock.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/viniciusgerevini/godot-aseprite-wizard/master/screenshots/main_screen.png